Catex 2013 kicks off next Tuesday Feb 19th at Simmonscourt, RDS, Dubiln 4. This is Irelands major biennial Catering Exhibition and a must see for Chefs, hospitality professionals and anyone into kitchen gadgetry. Prior to being a Chef Recruiter I enjoyed a previous life as a Chef for over 20 years and, assuming I was in Ireland at the time, the Catering Exhibition has always been a must attend event. If you’re a Chef you probably know this already but just in case your schedule has had you distracted, be under notice that this kicks off on Tuesday Feb 19th and, if you’re a chef, you probably know that you really need to make it your business to attend Catex 2013, if even only for one of the three days it runs.
Culinary Competitions Dublin
The Culinary Competitions are compelling viewing and I never suffer any admiration deficit when it comes to those competing. It takes a lot of mettle and determination just to get yourself onto the platform and plenty of skill to actually get placed anywhere; it’s a white knuckle ride and it’s for real. I should know after my own ignominous failure to place in a Mystery Basket competition back in the 90’s. Under the lights and facing a theatre audience of my peers from the catering world my mettle went for jog and didn’t arrive back in time to save the day. However most of the Chefs on display this year will be made of sterner stuff than me and will be worth as much of your time and attention as you can manage.
Here’s Catex 2013 opening hours:
Tuesday the 19th: 10:00-18:00
Wednesday the 20th: 10:00-20:00
Thursday the 21st: 10:00-17:00
Here’s the Catering Exhibition headliners:
- The RAI Live dining experience
- The Kitchen by Euro-toques
- Hospitality Heroes Live Stage
- National Cocktail Competition
- National Barista Championships
- Chef Ireland Live Theatre
- Chefs Choice at CATEX
If 2013 is your first time in attendance here’s a tip, there’s always plenty of food samples to be blagged so you won’t need a full Irish Breakfast before you travel. If you’re very good you might even be able to swing some hospitality beers while you’re there too. If you’re not so lucky you might have to settle for free coffee and if 2013 is anything like 2011 then there’ll be a full scale coffee war between vendors for the duration, just make sure you don’t end up over caffeinated.