Creating Chef Jobs in Cork isn’t the work of a recruitment agency, not even one dedicated to finding chefs jobs and the chefs to match the jobs. That said if you’re looking for a chef job in Cork, or anticipate that you will be looking in the future, then drop by our chef’s CV upload page now and upload your CV. At least then we’ll be able to find you when the right job comes our way; increasingly we’re getting tasked with finding chefs for some of Cork’s best hospitality destinations, so do get your CV to us now, if you can. With that obligatory bit of self promotion out of the way it’s time to give a little limelight to some of the quiet initiatives which augur well for Cork tourism and, of course, employment prospects for chefs looking to continue their careers in Cork.
Rising Tide Raising More than Cork Chef’s Job Prospects
Once you work in tourism, whether as a chef in a kitchen or not, the announcement of a new route touching down at Cork Airport is never bad news. This time we’ve Ryan Air to thank (not that thanking Ryan Air comes easily to many of us) because they’ve announced a new route flying between the East Midlands and Cork starting in September. Details on the schedule are sketchy at the moment so if you’ve any hard info please let us know. Tourism Ireland have announced that they’re going to undertake a promotional campaign to leverage whatever extra value is on offer. The timing of the opening of this new route is very welcome, helping as it will to bring extra numbers in at the tail end of the high season. No one’s claiming any new chef jobs as a direct result but it certainly won’t do any harm.
Tourism Ireland Goes to Bat for Cork Too
It seems tourism Ireland have been especially busy on behalf of the rebel county because earlier in the month they flew in some of Italy’s top travel journalists and lavished the hospitality on with a trowel. Estimated readership of the journalists involved extends to, at least according to Tourism Ireland’s website, 1.2 million Italians. I couldn’t find any links to stories written as a result of the trip so I’ll take it on faith that the initiative was worthwhile and, hopefully, paid for itself. Weather aside, I’m sure they enjoyed the best of Cork, so here”s hoping.
Finally, Cork has a new Mayor, Barbara Murray, and she too is hopping on the tourism bandwagon by promising that “one of my priorities as your newly elected County Mayor is to promote Cork in the areas of tourism and enterprise.” Well done Cork, when a politician says that then you know you’re in good shape already. We’re certainly hoping that the accumulating effects of these, and other, programs leads to a growth in chef job prospects in Cork; naturally like every flea feeding from the elephant of Irish tourism we’re planning on capitalizing on any good news, especially in the chef job sector. Remember if you’re a chef make sure you’re poised to capitalize to by depositing a copy of your CV with us.